How To make a consistant and powerful deck to use in tournaments !
Decide your playing style. This is important, as it determines how people would look at you as a duelist. Are you a rash l duelist who would rapidly summon, attack and activate cards? Or are you the deep thinker who would analyze your hand and field before making a move? Or maybe the duelist that would remove cards from play so your opponent cannot use them again? Considering these would help you choose a deck archetype. Choose your deck type - a themed deck, or one that follows a specific theme of cards. Never have a deck with too many random cards in it. If so, you will not be drawing parts of combos. Also, make sure you have around 40 cards in your deck. The most you should have is 42. The best decks focus around an archetype - a group of cards with similar names and mechanics who support each other. Decks focusing around an attribute or type aren't very good. Neither are most decks with multiple archetypes, though some mesh well. Choose your...